Well ThaiVisa.com are not warning their readers so we had better warn them here. Drew Noyes, who is a sponsor of ThaiVisa, is hawking his ‘One Stop’ legal services for foreigners seeking a divorce in Thailand in in the forums.
He says he charges just 40,000 baht – if the divorce is not contested plus 100,000 to 200,000 for a contested one. He also claims he charges just 20 per cent of any divorce settlement, or rather he keeps 20 per cent of whatever you get.
These charges might be dirt cheap if in London or New York, but in Thailand they are of course astronomical.
If the divorce is uncontested and you are both agreed you can just pop down to the District office where you registered your marriage and you can do it personally for next to nothing; a small fee, copying charges etc.
Sadly I recently went through a tragic divorce, but it was uncontested and I got custody of my three children and my wife made no claim on my estate. Actually to save myself hassle I paid a Thai just over 10,000 baht to do all the running around for both sides (documentation and agreement).
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Noyes |
Now Drew Noyes, who says he runs a law firm, has failed to produce a lawyer in two cases with me, and his main experience in the law business is collecting fees.
He subcontracts to lawyers who sometimes do not know what they are doing.
His company has been struck off the British Embassy lawyers list.
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Kenny |
Last year Briton Kenny Blundell went to him for a divorce, ended up paying over 300,000 Thai baht – and still has not got his divorce. Why? – because lawyers got his divorce in the wrong name.
Now he is worse off than he started. The wife no longer wants a divorce….at least at nowhere near that price.
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Theo |
But more seriously he is currently being sued for 2.5 million baht by Dutchman Theo van der schaaf.
That is the amount van der schaaf gave Noyes and his wife Wanrapa Boonsu to settle with his Hua Hin girlfriend to get his house back. Noyes kept the cash claiming it was extra charges. As for his tactful and skilled negotiators – his ex-girlfriend called the local police on them.
Noyes is of course one of the three defendants in the last story published on this website.
People have asked why ThaiVisa do not do due diligence on their advertisers. The answer I presume will be cash. Caveat Emptor.
I visited that thaivisa.com thread and posted a few links to articles about Drew Noyes. I posted nothing derogatory, just links to stories about him. The post was deleted and my thaivisa.com account was suspended for several days. What does that tell you about their relationship?
Yes all negative posts have indeed been removed – however this last post says it all.
"Well I got it done on Monday
We handed in her house book, ID card and marriage certificate.
For me, Passport, Legalized translation of passport picture page and marriage certificate
She filled out some paper work were asked about anything we wanted to put on paper regarding assets, children and future support but we have solved that between us.
2 witnesses had to sign a couple of pieces of paper, so did we.
45 minutes later and 65 baht poorer I left with a nice shiny new divorce certificate".
So at least readers will be able to grasp the fact that One Stop and Drew are ripping off their clients.
Boycott ThaiVisa.com!!!!!
This past month George and his boys (that's 'boys' as in 'ThaiVisa Moderators', not 'boys' as in young male waiters) put together a survey, promoted with the tempting that ThaiVisa members can give their opinions on the ThaiVisa mods …. Wouldn't you just love the chance to do that.
Of course no real opinions where sought, the survey was more interested in asking members if they had seen, visited, used the new ThaiVisa property sales page.
As Andrew has warned us, there's at least one 'questionable' character doing business there.
But never mind ThaiVisa can always change who it does business with – buy into ThaiVisa by promoting your business, George will give you a link to route your business through
You please George by working your bum off and driving trade to your business.
But the shop front is not yours – Renewals are up and (YourGreatBuisinessIdea@ThaiVisa.com) can be changed by George finding someone else to slip in to your slot.
That's the problem with ThaiVisa, the membership can never be sure who they are doing business , other than to be sure that somewhere George is lurking behind with an eye on the choice nugget.
Probably the most interesting thing about that thread on thaivisa.com is this:
Here the time stamp of when it was started: Posted 2014-02-13 12:34:46
One Stop Legal Services gave the first reply: Posted 2014-02-13 12:35:39
Less than a minute later! Pretty amazing timing? Or did One Stop Legal Services start the thread under a different user name? So stupid that it's laughable.
Well spotted. Here is another post from the op of that thread:
These "voluntary" mods from ThaiVisa, don't they have any value and ethics? It's only a matter of time before these phoney lawyers make an another victim. They know that.
I also got banned for questioning the entire groups morals supporting such a conman and exposing the entire expat population here without any concern whatsoever.
ThaiVisa seems akin to Amway…join up as a mod and support it and lose all your friends and any respect anyone ever had for you.
I would suspect Noyes must be getting desperate for a big score. With all his children, office and home expenses, his outgoings must be more than his present income given all the negative exposure he has received. He's made a few big scores in the past but the people suing him will probably get nothing back as he'll have either blown it or stashed it before any verdict is handed down.
This is clearly another case of Noisy shooting himself in the foot.He clearly states on TV :- ''As long as one person is a Thai if there is no agreement to divorce and settle all outstanding issues then the fee is at least 100,000 baht but not more than 200,000 baht and includes the above agreement, mediation and filing and litigating the divorce in court if required.'' So what were the other 2.3 million extra charges for, in his case with Theo Van Der Schaaf? Not forgetting that Theo didn't get his divorce, so he shouldn't even have been charged the top amount of 200,00 baht. How has he been allowed to get away with this for so long, and is his Thai Visa statement admissable in court?
Just got banner for posting that they should google Drew Noyes if you are looking to use his services, the readers can make their own judgement.
Banned for speaking about advertisers.
In 8 years I only posted 9 times and that was 8 years ago on some visa help for another expat. Emailed
Barry Main
Managing Director – Thaivisa Expat Group Co., Ltd. and asked him why you are not allowed to advise other members to use google.
It is well known that disgruntled posters will be suspended and/or banned if they comment adversely upon the performance of any of their sponsors. The days of providing a forum protecting the interests of expat members have long gone only to be replaced by a commercial vehicle furthering the interests if its owners. Essentially, caveat emptor in Thailand and that rule applies equally to Thaivisa.
Noyes is a proven shyster and of doubtful integrity. That George should accept him as an advertiser, thereby gracing him with the imprimatur of respectability, is really quite disgraceful but then ethics among Thai based business folk have always been up for negotiation.
I am monitoring this thread on thaivisa.com under a different user name.
If you mention One Stop Legal Services, Drew Noyes, rip-off, criminal, conman, con artist, fake lawyer, etc., the post gets deleted.
I am not saying that the owner and moderators thaivisa.com as of this date — 3/04/14 — are criminals. But it certainly looks suspicious.
What it demonstrates is that George and the ThaiVisa moderators are absolutely aware of the controversy surrounding Drew Noyse, the fact that he is facing criminal and that they, George and the ThaiVisa moderators have made a conscious decision to give Drew Noyse access to their membership and to disregard and squash any commentary exposing the truth about Drew Noyse.
ThaiVisa members would be well advised to understand exactly who George and the the ThaiVisa moderators are looking after.
Comments about advertisers in such a manner are prohibited.
Your account has been suspended for 14 days as it appears you have created it with the sole purpose of attacking this advertiser
An accusation that a TV moderator was a murderer has been removed. The person has in question has not yet been convicted.
There's no doubt that another innocent victim of a Noyes scams (through ThaiVisa) will find themselves contacting Andrew at some point in the future. There is unequivocal evidence of ThaiVisa's complicity in supporting this business despite what is common knowledge, I feel Thaivisa should also be answerable to the court. There will be no shortage of witnesses to explain how warnings and complaints about the firm in question were ignored and suppressed by Thai visa. Thailand is very big on Guilty by association!!
I wonder if the nation multimedia group is aware of whom their partner is doing business with. Maybe some letters to the editor are in order.
Thanks for the idea!
Almost 500,000 pageviews! Congrats. By now the whole expat community in Thailand know the 3 stooges.
You should make this page a fixed link on the main page…giving tens of thousands of expats an audience to this conman should not be left to go into the background and forgotten about. The people involved with Thai Visa need to hang their heads in shame and never let it be forgotten how low they all are to facilitate such scams.