– Civil Court
– Criminal Appeal Court.
or 7.9 million baht in a civil judgment at Pattaya Provincial Court today for
cheating an American woman out of that amount while pretending to be a British barrister and former Royal Marine officer.
of 400,000 baht on a criminal charge for the same offence.
according to other alleged victims, he will be released from Nong Plalai jail
tonight around 10 pm.
for the Managing Director of his law firm Alba Laws, former girlfriend Sukanya
Worakam, who had to find 300,000 baht from friends, after spending time in jail. He had sent her in to surrender first.
have his passport details and should stop Goudie if he attempts to leave the
grounds that he had several cases in the court, a number of passports, and the Crime Suppression are seeking to interview him in in connection with another
alleged fraud.
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Sentencing report Perth District Court |
to the country to face a warrant of arrest for an alleged fraud on the Royal
Bank of Scotland and in Australia although the Australian Appeals tribunal
dismissed his plea to stay in the country.
deal with him.
mining company for whom he was working and jailed for six years. He served his
sentence in Hakea Prison.
Andy Mathews, a Pattaya Estate agent who claims he loaned Goudie 400,000 baht which was never returned said: “I spoke to him last week. He said he was skint on Koh Samui with only 180 baht. He may have been lying.”
No comments on court rulings please.
Brian Goudie was released last night from Nong Plalai prison. It appears he paid only 400,000 cash.
Brian Goudie is now waxing lyrically on his blog saying the case against Jepson was dismissed and not mentioning either the fact that he has had to return a condo, or has a judgment against him for 7.9 million due to Barbara Miller. And of course he insists, as usual, that that more cases are coming my way in Koh Samui.
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No big deal |
“The case against me with John Jepson was dismissed, and it is a relief for it to be finally over. There were a couple of posts about John and as agreed they have been deleted.
“It was not unexpected when I turned up to Court that I was held for two nights while sorting out bail – no big deal!”.
Dismissed? It was settled. What had happened was that for his ludicrously expensive legal services Goudie said he would take his condo off Jepson (worth 5-6 million then) and pay him 2.4+ million over a period of time.
Jepson agreed and Goudie moved into what was once quite a nice condo in the Peak Residence. He paid the mortgage payments sporadically. He had paid about 450,000 (of a total of 2.4 million) over a period of time, but was well in arrears when he was uncovered.
Jepson woke up one day to read Andrew Drummond’s expose of Brian Goudie, published at the same time as a story in the Sunday Mail in Glasgow naming him as former convict Brian Goldie and revealing his claims of being a barrister and a former officer in the Royal Marines were totally ridiculous. He was an out and out con man. Jepson wanted him out.
But intending to secure his half price deal Goudie rushed firstly to pay off the mortgage arrears, another 800,000 – and secondly by taking to the Siam Commercial Bank in Koh Samui a cashiers cheque for 1 million.
He might have succeeded in getting possession of the condo had not Siam Commercial Bank called up Jepson saying Goudie was trying to put money into an account which was closed – where did he want it put?
Jepson told the bank to refuse the cash.
Not surprisingly Jepson was alarmed, first by Andrew Drummond’s story, but then by the sudden attempts by Goudie to pay.
He was able to prove the bank refused his cash and Goudie, produced a payment slip for the cashiers cheque, but did not produce his bank statement, which no doubt would have shown the cash was returned.
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How Brian left a lattice door in The Peak Residence – Did he give it a Glasgow kiss? |
Goudie seems to be heralding the settlement as a success for him and he states curiously:
“It is amazing a significant issue in the case is that Siam Commercial Bank have ‘lost’ a significant amount of money and that must now be resolved – Siam Commercial Bank may well be in hot water now!”
I think we can take it as read that Siam Commercial Bank have lost no money. Jepson has his condo, worth about 7 million now, back, and Goudie has lost his home sweet home in the ‘Peak Residence’, has had to pay 1.2 million baht for the time he stayed there, and has agreed not to take any cases against Jepson on this issue. Then again he has had to pay legal fees from lawyers who insisted cash up front at their rates. Case dismissed? No, Brian, case settled!
Goudie adds:
“I wish John well in the future, and it is unfortunate we have both spent a lot of money in this case – and could have had exactly the same outcome, but without all the grief and misery, and especially without me now having to file more cases against Drummond!”
( Drummond did ruin Goudie’s plans on that one)
Said John Jepson: ‘I have read his blog. He is fooling nobody’.
Footnote: Goudie is now blogging that he is not wanted by anyone in relation to three foreigners, who said they were defrauded. He claims he walked into the CSD to surrender and they told him there were complaints but they sent the foreigners packing. This is really an interesting exercise for all in the workings on the Thai Justice system, the courts, and lawyers. According to Goudie “I have filed a case against these three… Oops. Did I let out a secret?” No he did not let out a secret. He cannot sue these people, nor I suspect would he dare. Its all BS isn’t it Yingmee? It is possible that Goudie is exactly where we want him.
Goudie is welcome to transfer the money to me, I'll be up the prison with it Honest!
Great stuff Andrew! All expats in Thailand owe you a debt of gratitude.
It gets interesting now. Will he front up with the bail money & do a runner? It's pretty easy to slip out of Thailand illegally and no doubt he knows that. Nah, I doubt it. Too many other things he needs to recover equity from and it would probably cost a lot less than 4.5m to get the prosecution to fluff the criminal case. I presume he can appeal the civil case which will buy time and anyway, as you say, enforcement of a civil judgement in Thailand is another matter, especially a foreigner with no assets in their own name.
A couple of days in a Thai prison and having his hair shaved off will have shaken his confidence though. It would certainly shake mine.
Brian Goldie, a failed and disgraced RBS counter assistant and multiple convicted criminal, recently convicted of fraud in a Pattaya Criminal Court and currently on millions of Baht bail…
Hes a pathetic spent force. No credibility or business reason to have him here in Thailand. A guy who will bwe begging at a 7-11 near you soon.
Is anyone staking out the jail house with a camera to the ready?
I'm in Bangkok. Cant be assed. He may or may not come out. If he comes out he'll be heading my way – maybe after a night in Pattaya.
Why hasn't Thailand deported him?
Nobody has asked Thailand to. He plays games there may be someone up there playing a game with him. 'A friend' tells me.
What about all the people on Samui who got burnt in the Bang Khao Bay scam? Are they taking a case against him?
I have not had a serious look at the Bang Khao Bay scam so i do not know whom, er, if anybody, got burned.Open to info though.
I've endlessly and continually reported it as a scam to Facebook but they seem resolute not to remove the site….does this make them legally responsible?????
At what point are these people deemed shite and deported?
Deport Goudie? Why? Some people want to get the cash off him. The point will come when he has no cash. I would say that might be the time.
I've got a 5 million case against the loser…..please Brian stay a little longer…..please!
What puzzles me is that a clever con man would have covered his tracks and disappeared with the loot a year ago. Why hang around and goad people until you are caught. It seems all these characters are singing from the same song sheet and feel they are invincible.
As for Goudie I'd be heading for the Hills and Glens before some cheap Thai justice from the back of a motorbike is dished out one night.
Well Goudie was caught in Australia after the AAT clearly specified they did not want him there because he loves going through the courts. He loves getting up in court and making legal points. He loves to show how clever he is. He could have left with the cash but staying – and the authorities found most of it. Thailand is great for him because the system is so slow and disfunctional and bail is always available at a price and if he goes all the way to the Supreme Court he can stay out of jail for years. He may have overlooked a couple of things.
25,000 page reads yesterday btw.
Way to go, Andrew Drummond et al. I have been following your blog for quite a long time. Thank you for all your time and effort in exposing Goudie (and others).
Do you know if Goudie make bail last night?
Yes he did
What ever happened with Hanks' charges for alleged loansharking with the Russian lad?
Have been following this blog for a while now and glad to see some good results for you after all your hard work
Thanks Johnny but its not over yet.
Brian Goldie, a failed and disgraced RBS counter assistant and multiple convicted criminal in several countries, recently convicted of fraud in a Pattaya Criminal Court and currently on millions of Baht bail…A fake London barrister and fake Royal Marine Commando Captain…
Yes the Bam Pot has started to blog again. It was all a misunderstanding with John Jepson…Of course it was Brian….now that of course you LOST the case. I hear he was a "cuddle buddy" during his recent incarceration and was well received by the older "more experienced lags"……
Brian GOLDIE…. A guy who will be begging at a 7-11 near you soon.
Any Selfies with her new hair cut yet??
Reading Goudies blog it appears the whole thing was a big misunderstanding.
"I wish John well in the future, and it is unfortunate we have both spent a lot of money in this case – and could have had exactly the same outcome, but without all the grief and misery, and especially without me now having to file more cases against Drummond!"
He appears to suggest that all is now well on his front but lots more paperwork is heading your way Andrew.
Andrew, just let us know when the paperwork turns up, if you need funds to fight your corner I'll be happy to donate again as I know others will too.
Many thanks Ian. I dont know who Goudie thinks he is scaring
21000 people have so far clicked on today btw
It would appear Goldie's attempt to downplay the incident has only, thorough adding to the story, served to increase the amount of web traffic. Well done Bwian…lol
Well it's not surprising you've had all that traffic but the point remains this man has form but can work his way around the Thai legal system and immigration rules.
Drew Noyes is cut from the same cloth.
Al Capone was caught by tax and I wonder how much Mr G has paid in Thailand?
I'll happily pay for a certified translation of the judge's decision so it can be published here for all to see. It is a public document, right?
That way we can see who is telling the truth about the judge's decision for ourselves, it will educate the general public about how decisions are worded and provide documentation about Goudie's legal history for all to see.
Mmmmmmmmmm….Brian, Brian, Brian. Stop this you fool.
"Now being me, and knowing a couple of people here and there, I did the obvious thing – bold as brass I walked into Bangkok CSD today and said ' you have a warrant for my arrest and I am here to surrender".
Its as if GOLDIE is some sort of gangster, wide boy, hard man to be avoided or in some perverted skewed form "admired"….Well may be in is own messed up head….I bet the CSD were in awe of him strolling in "as bold as brass"…….(that never obviously happened)….well who wouldn't be? I can imagine the women were swooning at his feet and the men were fist bumping him, way to go GOLDIE!!!
In my unimaginative mind I'm brought to thoughts of Dell Boy Trotter, Walter Mitt and Cowardly Dog……..
I wrote him a message asking how it felt to be the most despised farang in Thailand, but then realised he has probably been despised all his life. He seems to think being a social parasite and career deviant is something to be proud of. He also seems to have a fake superiority complex which I think is just masking his inner lack of confidence and self-esteem. The fact is he cannot hold a relationship together with the opposite sex, even with a bar girl. His chronic insecurity and lack of real confidence must come out in the end. His phoney confidence is not fooling me or anybody else. He is an emotionally damaged person with serious mental problems. He thrives on the drama and chaos which reveals his childhood must of been full of misery and conflict. Why else would this chronic bad behaviour come so naturally to him?
I do not think he understands what a lo-so twit he sounds on his blog. 'Oops have a let out a secret'. He is of course playing games = like trying to arrange dates when I am in say Pattaya and he is appearing in Koh Samui – to avoid a court confrontation. If he indeed has friends at the CSD they will unfriend him fairly soon.