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Goudie mimics calling police |
A video tape handed in to this site shows how Brian Goudie, a former convict in Australia, who arrived in Thailand posing as a barrister, shopped a legal client to the Royal Thai Police condemning him to 15 months in jail apparently on a false charge of child sexual abuse.
But when he checked, Goudie found that the prosecutor had appealed and the verdict reversed.
For Tracey had brought him another client – a 75-year-old American woman – whom he planned to milk for every penny she had. And now Tracey was giving her advice to be careful with her money.
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And then breaks out into a grin |
He was initially arrested under a different name. He was referred to throughout his trial under a different name, John.
Not only that but he had been told by police that he would go to jail for ten years for drugs offences unless he made the video statement.
Further the Mr. ‘John’ named on the search warrant – which was actually for cannabis – appeared to live next door. And while Tracey was at the police station he allegedly packed his bags and left.
In addition a police officer testified that prior to an arrest warrant being issued the boy had identified Tracey from a photograph. It later transpired that the photograph of Tracey was not available until AFTER he was arrested.
Cynics argue that it happens to delay any counter claims. In Thailand’s dilatory justice system people can wait years to get real justice – and foreigners often do not have the means to stay in the country for that period of time if they want to sue for something like unlawful arrest.
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Gregory Miller |
Goudie it is alleged took US$300,000 from her on a promise to get her son Gregory Miller out of jail and back home to, Madison, Wisconsin. He is due to surrender to bail on January 27th.
A message from Goudie to a former client “Oh he was away cos I was not having it, for a start off because I just wasn’t having him here.
“One, for what he did, two, this is a law firm, that’s all I f*****g need the cops round here (mumbles) gone.
“But nobody knows that it was me that actually rung up. I’m not fucking having that for fucks sake.
“For a start he shouldn’t be doing things with kids, there is no excuse whatsoever
“I like young girls, she’s only 19 – but she’s legal,” he says pointing upstairs.
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Ian Tracey |
Meanwhile Ian Tracey admits he was taken in completely: “He told me he was a barrister and former officer in the Royal Marines and convinced me he was the person to take my case to sue the Royal Thai Police.
“There is no greater injustice that I can think of. I work for a charity, but had refused to become involved in children for that charity, because, quite frankly, I do not have the training.
“I have a Thai girlfriend who thankfully has stood by me. Words cannot describe what strength she has given me.
“But my name has been tarnished and being branded a child abuser – is there anything worse?”
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The Royal Thai Police have lost this Andrew Tracey, from Wickford, Essex, who has been given bail multiple times for child abuse and who lived in the same Pattaya estate. |
Tracey believes his case may have had something to do with his criticism of the local police. As a prison visitor for ‘Hand in Hand ‘ and ‘The Mercy Centre’ in Pattaya he had listened to prisoner stories and had confronted police about certain allegations relating both to evidence and payments.
‘When police arrested me I told them I would never get involved with children. I said they would have to make it up. And they did.
But there is not one jot of evidence in all the court documents which identifies me as the child abuser they were looking for. They could not make that up because of course I was not.”
Tracey said he is planning to write a book: ‘The Justice Joke’.
Meanwhile police say they do not know the whereabouts of Andrew Tracey.
After Tracey’s arrest Goudie called to say: “I had absolutely no idea that man was on charges of sexual abuse of minors. If I had known he would not be allowed near my place”.
But then he later announced that both his clients must be considered innocent until they were convicted,
“In relation to the assertion that we have a case load of ‘mainly sex
offences’ for ‘pervert clients’, we currently have two cases in Pattaya
Court in relation to Sexual Offences against children, which at this stage
at least in one case are mere allegations, and these cases represent a
tiny fraction of the work undertaken by this Firm. It is a basic tenet of
law that every person accused of a criminal offence is innocent until
proven guilty, and entitled to legal representation that accords the best
possible defence available under the law – this is a basic right of the
adversarial justice system, and every defendant is entitled to a defence,
no matter the allegation.” – Brian Goudie – PRESS RELEASE
If I was Ian Tracy I wouldn't sleep comfortably until I saw Goldie's head on a stick. Goldie has now been caught on video happily admitting he has snitched out an innocent man. What a total skunk. Does anybody have Brian's address? I have a cheese delivery for the rat bastard.
It would be cheaper to raise funds to have him visited…than keep on paying these legal costs.
Who's in ?
I'm trying to find words to describe how loathsome Goudie is and I'm failing. To get a guy wrongfully arrested for being a pedophile shows how low this guy will stoop to deal with his friends.
A 15 month lagging in a Thai jail is no joke. If unlucky you can get terminally sick like Jimmy Halliday. To sit in jail knowing your innocent and also knowing you were ratted out by a guy masquerading as a mate would be intolerable. To be labelled a child abuser by a career rat like Goldie is one thing but the behaviour of the police in this case is even more disturbing.
I don't know what his next move is but Ian Tracey must be filthy beyond words with the treacherous Brian Golidie/Goudie. The only real justice for Brian is a Thai jail, knocking him or bashing him is being too kind and lenient. He needs to rot in a squalid jail for a long long time.
The life of Brian …….
Apart from his not being that much of a squarehead, your blurred shots of Brian do bear quite a similarity to the dubious Dr Thaksin of Dubai.
Or perhaps I'm just being a little too over-indulgent in my stereotyping of born tea-leaves.
Not yet please Sam, I've several cases against the 3 of them in the pipe line……one for quite a bit of compensation. After that…….he's yours.
This is from Ian Tracey:
I cannot find the words to express my anger and disgust for what Brian did. It took me a long time to work it out, largely because I could not bring myself to believe that anyone could do something so despicable. When Andrew showed me the video of him admitting what he did to me, I still had trouble believing what I was hearing, so evil were his actions. I have a lot of people on my radar for payback because of this, but if it takes till my dying breath, bringing Goudie to justice will always be my primary goal.
He is not alone in evil doing in this case however. The cops knew they had the wrong man two minutes after I got to the cop shop in 2008. They did not want to tell the waiting press of their idiocy in arresting the wrong man, so decided to "adjust" the evidence. Wrongful arrest, fabricating evidence, perjury are just the beginning. The prosecutor ignored a forwarding address in his file, and sent eleven summonses to a house his own files told him I didn't live at! He then posted the summons on the wall of the house and told the court it had been delivered. Thai law says this cannot be done for someone who does not have permanent residence in Thailand, but clearly that didn't matter.
Then the good old cops lied again and said they had looked for me but I was evading them. Given that I was walking into Banglamung and Soi 9 police cells three times a week giving out food, water and toiletries to those in the cells, you have to ask how hard they looked.
I question how it it possible for a "trial" or retrial to be held without a defendant or his lawyer having even been infiormed of proceedings? Under Thai and International law it is not possible, but somehow this didn't seem to be important.
These incompetent, lying, stupid and uncaring idiots played right into Brians hands. They gave him the tool to get me out of the way, so he could fleece a gullible old lady. No matter either that the arrest warrant on both occasions, 2008 and 2011 weren't even for me. My passport clearly showed the name was wrong.
I am f******g furious about what has happened. Goudie deserves whatever nastiness comes his way, but it also raises serious flaws in the debacle that purports to be a justice system. It seems that my case is not a lone incident. There are numerous warrants out there for people who have been found innocent and then moved house or left Thailand. My best guess is that the prosecutors office deliberately processes these cases, assuming the person won't return to Thailand to make their conviction statistics look better.
The Thai press also deserves serious punishment for the way they handled this. The facts of the case and what they reported are two entirely different stoires. I guess the police lied AGAIN, to embellish the story, make me look as bad as possible, and themselves the heroes. Being thrown in jail for something I didn't do was terrible, but being villified by lies in the press made it so much worse. The press needs to be reigned in, and to stop reporting allegations as proven facts. It disturbs me that not one rag in Pattaya ever actually covers what is happening in the courts. The truth is not as sellable as a good pack of lies I guess.
To round off the villainy, a supposed "friend" collected everything from my house for safekeeping. 500,000 Bahts worth of furniture and clothes. It seems not even a pair of socks still remains. This piece of shit thought I would be deported so sold the whole f*****ng lot.
I agree that Goudie is a dirtbag of unbelievable proportions, but he is not alone out there. My girlfriend was the only person who stuck by me, when it would have been very easy for her to disassociate herself and walk away. The pain would have been unendurable without her support.
My Thanks to Andrew Drummond for taking an interest in the truth. I have a lot of supporting documents and e-mails from Mr. Goudie I will be giving him to help him bring that bastard down.
(edited slightly by AD)
The sooner Goudie the grass is sorted, the safer expat`s in Thailand will be.
Having listened to this ex-con fraud Gouldie in the video I am aghast as to how anyone could possibly believe that he actually had any kind of higher education at all.
He may be clever, despicable, devious, etc, etc but he's definaaaaitly not edjumicated !!
At the beginning of the video where its subtitled as "inaudible"…..he says "mind you having said that I'm making fees out of it like there's no fucking no tomorrow"…..is he talking about the unfortunate Mrs Miller???
I think I can guess the source of this video. The wee gobshite is obviously speaking to a 'higher authority' and looks very desperate indeed. Definitely overstepped your remit there, eh Bwian !! I'm sure I recognize the nationality of the background voices egging him on to stick his foot in the proverbial… Koh Samui Scots if I'm not mistaken !
Is there any truth to the emerging story that Mr Tracey has not been cleared and is merely on bail pending appeal, but his conviction for child abuse stands?
And under Thai law is it not true that any person is required by law to inform the police of the whereabouts of a person the subject of an arrest warrant?
While this story is sensational labelling Goudie as a 'snitch' is certainly not accurate in these circumstances as he would be required by law to inform the police or instruct his staff to do so.
If it is true that this man was/is a convicted child abuser (until the Supreme Court says otherwise) should he not have surrendered? He freely admits he was aware of the warrant for his arrest.
Is there more to this story?
Yes there is a lot more to this story Flabby. But the essential points are (1) He was completely vindicated in the first court. (2) He was unaware of the appeal reversal until his lawyer Brian Goudie (you) informed him as you found out while promising to get him millions of baht in compensation. (3) The logical next step was for you to go with your client to the court state that you were unaware of the appeal in which case his bail would have automatically been renewed. But (4) You. a convicted felon, shopped him instead preferring to have him out of the way. The fact that the Supreme Court immediately ordered his release is directly related to them seeing what happened in this case.